• Give it to God

    Hostage Situation in Progress… Part 2

    The sun came out today. But we, sadly, did not. We stayed put. Like were obligated to do.

    But you know who isn’t staying put? This freaking cardinal that decided to nest in the tree right outside my bathroom window.

    via GIPHY

    Now, I’ve got nothing against birds, per say. But this one is making a play for numero Uno on my hit list. This little red jerk wad thinks it’s perfectly acceptable to spend every morning from the moment the sun comes up ‘til at least 2 in the afternoon, sitting on the ledge of my window to just peck and peck and peck at the window.

    This window, by the way, is frosted. He cannot see anything inside at all. Why this blasted beast has chosen to come after my bathroom window is a curiosity indeed. But I got to hand it to the dumb little thing, he is resilient. I’ve smacked that glass more times than I care to count trying to finally scare him away and yet he returns minutes later to continue his incessant pecking.

    Please dear reader, keep in mind I’ve actually known about this bird and his insane tendency for over two months. But it never bothered me before. However, it’s bothering me now!

    Because now I’m stuck home, trying to find ways to fill my day and keep my kids active without getting in trouble. I’m stuck here, able to hear that tap, tap, tapping happening over and over again. I’m stuck here with very little to distract me from that tapping. He just keeps going. All. Flipping. Day.

     So today we were tackling the shameful “craft room” which is located 9 feet from that frosted glass window. The girls were enjoying this bird’s crazy antics but me… oh heck no.

    I would turn my back to take something out of the closet and like magic the bird would land, tap three times in rapid succession, and then just when I turn around to smack the window, he would fly off. Oh, how my darling daughters would laugh at this. What a fun game mommy was playing with the little red bird outside.

    Truly, I am an animal lover. I like all animals. But this guy, he’s not your average bird. He’s clearly possessed and needs to be taken care of. Anyone know of a decent BB gun that could take this red rascal out? Heck, at this point I’m willing to put up with my cat allergy and getting one of those to take care of this.

    via GIPHY

    On the plus side, I was able to clean out and organize that craft room/closet space. I can now open the door all the way and walk fully into the room. My girls now think it’s going to be the best hiding spot for our next game of hide and seek and my boys can now get all their model projects out of there and actually put them together. So it was a win all around.

    Except for the dang bird. He is going to lose after this day!

    Also great news is that brilliant husband of mine discovered the issue with the car and was able to get all the parts today. I can see the end in sight people! I will be free again soon!

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